Health Coach
How can a Health Coach help you? The first answer to that question begins with what does healthy look like for you, the individual. Then, what are your issues and concerns?
Based on how we were raised, our mindset, our perspectives, our beliefs and our subconscious limitations, health looks different for everyone.
As your health coach, my purpose is to bring you, the individual, to your full potentiality of health. My mission is to educate, enhance and help you to enjoy your life to the fullest as you allow yourself.
As a practitioner in health, all I do is assist the individual in healing. The individual is the one who truly heals themselves.
We create a tool box in which you have access and the choice as to how you use those tools. Part of the tool box is meditation, journaling, movement, other practitioners and above all, yourself.
If you are interested and want to be at your full potentiality, let’s work together!